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The Name Game

How to play it:
The Name Game is one of the easiest, and perhaps one of the more mind numbing games ever conceived. If you have a good memory for celebrity names then you can easily partake in this little adventure. As few as two people or as many as a hundred can play, you figure out what is a good number for you. This game requires no extra equipment. All that needed is a supply of beverage and some place to play.

To begin play, all you have to do is have someone start by giving the first and last name of a well known person. The next player must then come up with a new name. It cannot be just any name, it must be a special name. Why special you may ask? Special because the first letter of the first name must be the same as the first letter of the last name of the name first mentioned. Sounds confusing? It's not. Allow us to demonstrate. If one player says 'Katherine Hepburn' the next player must give a name that begins with H, such as 'Harry Connik.' The next player must then come up with a name that begins with C. Sounds much easier now, doesn't it? Play goes around in a clockwise manner unless a player decides to reverse the flow of the game by giving a double name. A double name is any name where both the first and last names begin with the same letter. A name such as Mickey Mantle' is a double name. A player cannot just throw one of these names out at any time they choose, they may only use such a name when it fits into the normal flow of the game.

Players drink when they;
A) fail to come up with a name,
B) pause too long before coming up with a name
C) repeat a name that has already been used
D) use a name that is not accepted by the other players.

It is up to the players involved to decide what type of names are acceptable. Some players allow fictional characters while others do not. There is only one rule about allowing names, they must have both a first and last name. 'Popeye' is not acceptable. One hint, have a few names in mind, and you won't get stuck.

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